ICFT 2025


Registration Fee (USD or RMB)
  Full Registration
  Regular Author (within 10 pages) $500 ¥3500
  Student Author (within 10 pages) $450 ¥3000
  Abstract Registration
  Presentation $350 ¥2400
  Posters $350 ¥2400
  Listeners Registration
  Listener $200 ¥1200
  Listeners (three or more people) $150 ¥800
  Other Fees
  Additional Paper(s) $380 ¥2600
  Additional Page (extra charge from the 10 page) $50 ¥300


ICFT 2025 Online Registration
Your Paper ID/Invoice No.

Full Papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard format describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. One regular registration is within 10 Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation. All papers will be reviewed by at least two-three members of the program committees and technical committees. The conference’s official language is English.
All papers must be written in English and must be formatted in WORD and PDF according to the following instructions. Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors and accompanied by at least one full ICFT 2025 registration fee payment, to guarantee publication in the proceedings.
Your registration fee includes the following benefits:
1) 12-minute oral presentation or poster presentation with a 3-minute Q&A session
2) Paper publication
3) Access to all conference sessions
4) A comprehensive conference program
5) A personalized name tag
6) A certificate of presentation
7) A conference bag
8) Meals during the conference, including lunch and coffee breaks.


Abstract-only submission will be included in conference program, but will not published, and authors will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation on site.
Registration fee included:
1) 12 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A
2) Attendance to all sessions
3) Conference program
4) Name tag
5) Certificate of presentation
6) Conference bag
7) Lunch and coffee breaks

Files Needed (Only for Full Paper)
  • 1. The final version of the papers (both MS word file and PDF).
  • 2. Registration form (.xls or.xlsx)
  • 3. Scanned payment proof (.jpg etc)
  • 4. Copyright agreement form (Titled as ICFT 2025 YOUR PAPER ID+ copyright)
  • 5. The high-definition original image of the image inserted in your paper

  • Payment
  • When the registration is confirmed, an official receipt will be issued. According to policy requirements, we will issue you an electronic version of the invoice.

    Any submission must not have been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another publication before the review notification date of this conference. Conference organizers are responsible for the technical quality of paper on the basis of reviews obtained. It is sole responsibility of author/s if their paper detects plagiarism even in later stages of quality check. No registration fee will be refunded in any case if your paper is excluded from proceedings by the Publisher.

  • Invioce

    If you need an invoice after payment, feel free to contact us. The following information is required:

  • 1. Paper ID:
  • 2. Bill to: (please indicate name of university / Institution / person)
  • 3. Person email:
  • 4. RUC number:

  • Important Note

    Your paper will be excluded from proceedings at any level of quality checks carried out by the Press. Conference Organizers are not responsible if your paper detects plagiarism or any lack in quality reported by the press after submission of final proceedings (camera ready copies) to the press.
    Conference organizers are responsible for the technical quality of paper on the basis of reviews obtained. It is sole responsibility of author/s if their paper detects plagiarism even in later stages of quality check. No registration fee will be refunded in any case if your paper is excluded from proceedings by the Publishing House.